turkey farmer explains turkey farming to camera man

Follow the Farmers - Season 3

Impact Report

Dear Supporters!

At Agriculture in the Classroom-Manitoba (AITC-M), we are deeply grateful to our partners and sponsors for making Season 3 of Follow the Farmers possible.

Your generosity has allowed us to continue delivering engaging and impactful agricultural education experiences to classrooms across Manitoba.

We are excited to share this impact report with you, highlighting the incredible reach and success of our virtual farm tour program this year. Through your partnership, thousands of students have learned about the importance of agriculture and gained valuable insights into how food is produced right here in our province -- all without having to leave their classrooms.

This report is not just a celebration of what we've accomplished together—it’s also a resource for you. Inside, you'll find stories, quotes, and media assets (photos, videos, etc.) that we encourage you to share with your own audiences to showcase the impact of your generosity and commitment to agricultural education.

Exploring Turkeys, Soybeans and Potatoes

Follow the Farmers was an exciting opportunity for Grades 3-5 students to virtually visit three Manitoba farms, meet real farmers, and explore the journey of food from farm to table. On the day of each tour, students tuned into Facebook or YouTube for pre-recorded tour. Immediately after the tour, they participated in a live Q & A session with each farmer. Classroom resources allowed teachers to extend the learning with hands-on activities.

Follow the Turkey Farmer

Livestream Date: November 3, 2023
Students joined turkey farmer Quentin Wiebe of Timberline Farms to learn how technology, care, and nutrition work together to raise healthy turkeys. A classroom activity on the Canada Food Guide helped students explore the nutritional value of turkey and how it fits into their diet.

Follow the Soybean Farmer

Livestream Date: March 8, 2024
Lyle Peter of Henervic Farms gave students an inside look at soybean farming, from planting to harvest. A fun hands-on activity had students making their own soybean lip gloss, showing how plants can be used for more than just food.

Follow the Potato Farmer

Livestream Date: May 15, 2024
Farmer Wayne from Hespeler Farm guided students through the process of growing potatoes, one of Manitoba’s key crops. Students also participated in a potato-related classroom activity, further connecting them with the crop and its role in their food system.

Impact & Reach

Thanks to your support, the program reached more students than ever before. Here’s a breakdown of the live classroom views and how the audience grew as more educators accessed the recorded sessions:

  • Follow the Turkey Farmer:
    55 live classroom views, growing to 193 by the end of June 2024
  • Follow the Soybean Farmer:
    66 live classroom views, growing to 268 by the end of June 2024
  • Follow the Potato Farmer:
    74 live classroom views, growing to 127 by the end of June 2024

With an average of 25 students per classroom, over 14,500 students have benefited from the Follow the Farmers series this season!

The Value of Virtual Farm Tours

Here's why your support of Follow the Farmers matters:

1. Bridging the Gap Between Urban and Rural Life

Many students, especially those from urban areas, may have limited or no exposure to farming or agriculture. A virtual farm tour provides a rare and valuable opportunity for students to experience farm life, learn where their food comes from, and connect with the people behind the food they eat. This helps break down misconceptions and builds a deeper appreciation for the agriculture industry.

2. Direct Interaction with Farmers

Speaking directly with a real Manitoba farmer allows students to ask questions, receive immediate answers, and engage in a dialogue that deepens their understanding. It transforms abstract lessons into personal, real-world learning. Students can gain insights into the challenges and rewards of farming, hear about sustainable practices, and learn about the innovative technology used in modern agriculture. This two-way interaction fosters curiosity and makes the learning experience more memorable.

3. Hands-On Learning and Curriculum Integration

Virtual farm tours are not just passive experiences—they often include interactive components that align with school curricula, such as classroom activities, discussions, and hands-on projects related to the farm visit. This reinforces key subjects like science, math, environmental studies, and nutrition. By linking agricultural education to real-life examples, students develop practical knowledge that complements their in-class learning.

4. Promoting Critical Thinking and Empathy

When students interact with a farmer, they are encouraged to ask thoughtful questions, analyze what they’ve learned, and reflect on the farmer's role in their daily lives. This fosters critical thinking skills, as students must evaluate new information and consider the complex factors involved in food production. Additionally, by learning about the hard work and dedication that goes into farming, students develop empathy and respect for the individuals working to feed communities.

5. Sparking Interest in Agricultural Careers

For some students, these virtual tours may plant the seeds for future interest in agriculture-related careers. By showcasing the diversity of roles within the agriculture industry—beyond farming, such as technology, science, logistics, and marketing—students can explore potential career paths that they may not have previously considered. Meeting a real farmer helps humanize the profession and can inspire students to pursue a future in agriculture.

6. Increasing Agricultural Literacy

The tours help demystify farming, increasing agricultural literacy among young learners. Understanding how food is produced, the challenges farmers face, and the importance of sustainable practices equips students with knowledge they can carry into adulthood. It also prepares them to make informed choices as consumers and potential future advocates for sustainable and ethical food systems.

7. Engagement and Excitement

Having the chance to “visit” a real farm and ask questions live generates excitement in students, keeping them engaged and eager to learn. This type of immersive experience goes beyond textbooks, allowing students to see and hear directly from a professional, which makes the information more impactful and engaging.

Quotes from Teachers

Your support made a lasting impact on both students and teachers. Here’s what educators had to say:

“My students are more aware that food doesn’t just magically appear in the store.”
—Ardena Shrader, Robin Elementary School, Grade 6

“The kids were amazed by the soybean uses. They were most surprised by the classroom uses.”
—Kelly Barkman, Riverton Early Middle School, Grade 2/3

“We actually planted potatoes in our classroom greenhouse. The students had so many ideas and suggestions after the farm tour!”
—Deana Matheson, Earl Oxford School, Grade 3

Media from the Program

Behind the Scenes Photos & Video Clips

Your support brought to life three virtual tours that fostered a real connection between students and the people who produce the food we eatClick on the button below to access and download photos and video clips from Dropbox. 

Follow the Turkey Farmer - Virtual Tour

Follow the Soybean Farmer - Virtual Tour

Follow the Potato Farmer - Virtual Tour

Heartfelt Thanks

This season would not have been possible without your generous contributions. Together, we are helping students develop a deeper understanding of agriculture, food production, and the people who make it all happen. The Follow the Farmers program is inspiring the next generation of agricultural champions, and your role in this success cannot be overstated.

Please feel free to use the stories, images, and videos included in this report to share with your networks and showcase the meaningful impact of your support.

We would especially like to thank Penner Farm Services for supporting the creation of the virtual tours.

Help Launch Follow the Farmers - Season 4!

We are excited to build on this success as we plan for the next season of Follow the Farmersfeaturing virtual  tours hosted by Manitoba bison, corn and bee farmers. 

We look forward to continuing our partnership with you to inspire, educate, and connect even more students with Manitoba’s vibrant agricultural community. If you would like to support our Follow the Farmers program, please donate today!


Need something you don't see here? Want to share your Follow the Farmers story? Let us know! Contact:

Larissa Peitsch
Program Manager

Follow the Farmers Season 3 was made possible thanks to generous support from

Penner Farm Services logo
Manitoba Pulse Soybean
Manitoba Turkey Logo
Peak of the Market Logo