Brandon Career Fair Cover Image

EngAGed Career Fair

2024 Impact Report (Brandon)

Dear Supporters

Thank you for making our second EngAGed Career Fair a resounding success for students.

On May 31, 2024, Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School in Brandon played host to a unique career fair aimed at connecting Manitoba's agricultural employers with the next generation.

Throughout the day, over 1,200 students—tomorrow's voters, consumers, leaders, and potential agriculture professionals—discovered an array of roles and career paths within the agriculture and food sector, a critical industry needing to fill 123,000 jobs by 2029 to stay competitive.

The feedback we received from educators, students and partners has been overwhelmingly positive, and we can't wait to share with you the impact of your passion, creativity, and generosity!

EngAGed Career Fair

  • Participants: Students in Grades 9-12
  • Venue: Crocus Plains Regional Secondary Schools, Brandon
  • Date: May 31, 2024


  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • AgriHub Inc
  • AgWest Ltd.
  • Assiniboine Community College
  • Bioscience Association Manitoba
  • Brandon University
  • Enns Brothers
  • Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences - University of Manitoba
  • Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation
  • Manitoba Agriculture
  • Manitoba Beef & Forage Initiatives
  • Maple Leaf Foods Brandon
  • Mazergroup
  • McCain Foods
  • NPower Canada
  • Nutrien Ag Solutions
  • RBC Royal Bank
  • Redfern Farm Services Ltd
  • Richardson International
  • Saputo Dairy Products Canada
  • Sunrise Credit Union
  • Viterra
  • Westoba Credit Union
  • Young Agrarians
Exhibitor speaking to students

Impact Numbers

  • 1,234 students
  • 30 teachers
  • 24 exhibits
  • 59 exhibitors
  • 6 AITC-M staff
  • 12 student volunteers

Quotes from Participants

"This is the first career fair I have attended that was so efficiently executed. Adequate booth space, refreshment area location, available staff for directions/support, wonderful lunch for exhibitors including dietary restrictions, and efficient take down at end of day." 
– Jeanne Karlenzig, BAM

"I have never been to a career event before with activities that tie into the high school curriculum. It was fun to interact with the students with different and diverse backgrounds and interests and we're hoping they were able to learn that agriculture is a large industry with many possibilities."
– Cassie Kowalchuk, Richardson

"The interest from the students was awesome. They want to learn about agriculture, and we need to be out there showing them all the agriculture sector has to offer."
– Maureen Goertz, Viterra

"Our experience at the EngAged Career Fair exceeded our expectations. This was the first career fair that AAFC had attended in a while and providing the students with a hands-on learning activity seemed to capture and hold their attention. The students who were truly interested stuck around to hear about the various opportunities and had great questions."
– Laurel Lyons, AAFC

Booth station

Post-Event Survey Results

All exhibitors who responded to our survey said they would attend another EngAGed Career Fair in the future, and rated the event as SOMEWHAT or VERY VALUABLE.

Teachers who responded to our survey said they valued the hands-on activities, the diversity of exhibitors, and the wide range of careers on display, including careers in creative fields.

28% of participating students responded to our survey:

Career Fair student participation pie chart

96% of student respondents said their consideration for a career in agriculture INCREASED or remained the same after this event

When students were asked to name one career that stood out for them, here's how they answered:

Brandon Career Fair word cloud

Photos & Video

Click on the button below to access and download photos and video from Dropbox. Permission has been grated for use of these photos. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact

Fast-Forward Video of Brandon EngAGed Career Fair

Media Coverage

The EngAGed Career Fair Approach

Unlike traditional career fairs, the EngAGed Career Fair was designed to cater specifically to the interests and aspirations of Manitoba's youth, offering a glimpse into the diverse career opportunities within agriculture and food industries.

Through a customized career assessment, students explored careers aligned with their passions and skills, guided by Holland Codes. This personalized touch ensured a more meaningful and engaging experience for both students and exhibitors.

Exhibitors showcased not only the roles available but also provided insights into the educational pathways, salary expectations, and the impactful nature of these careers. Interactive activities further enriched the students' experience, making the EngAGed Career Fair a unique and enlightening event.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all supporters for making this vision a reality and look forward to continuing this journey together, shaping a prosperous future for agriculture in Manitoba and beyond.

Partnerships Help Us Grow

This amazing experience would not have been possible without your vision and commitment. We are inspired by your dedication and look forward to our continued partnership in nurturing the next generation of agriculture professionals.

Book a booth at our next fair!

We're holding our next EngAGed Career Fair in Winnipeg, Manitoba in November 2024.

Interested in signing up for a booth? Contact our Career Programs Manager, Adelle Gervin, at or 204-851-0765.

Become a sponsor

Support our next career fair by becoming a sponsor. Contact our Partner Relations Manager, Ryan McBride, at or 204.898.1070.

EngAGed Career Fair

Need something you don't see here? Want to share your EngAGed Career Fair story? Let us know! Contact:

Ryan McBride
Partner Relations Manager

Katharine Cherewyk
Executive Director