AITC Manitoba
Yellow canola field with blue sky and white clouds

Our Supporters

Our supporters are the sunshine that helps us grow!

Our partners are helping create valuable resources for teachers and amazing educational experiences for students. You understand that engaged teachers and agriculturally literate students lead to positive outcomes for the Manitoba agriculture industry and the economy.

Thank you for sharing our vision!

Visionary $100K - $249,999

Trailblazer $50K - $99,999

Cultivator $25k - $49,999

Driver $10K - $24,999

Builder $1K - $4,999

Bioscience Association of Manitoba

Cargill Fertilizer Team

Clayland Dairy (In Memory of Gary Mourant)

FWS Group of Companies

Grain Elevator & Processing Society

John Sandborn

Manitoba Potato Production Days

Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association

Trish Jordan

W J Siemens Farming Co Ltd

Supporter $250 - $999

3558909 Manitoba Ltd (Brad & Heather Lewis)

5603979 MB Ltd (James & Vickie Pedersen)

Aaron Brown

Allan Calder

Ashley Graye

Bob Bartley

Border Chemical Company Ltd.

Brian & Lori Murray

Chris Budiwski

Dundee Farms

Field 2 Field Agronomy Inc

Jared Munroe

JoAnne Buth

Jodee Karlowsky

Jonathan Sawatzky

Katharine & Greg Cherewyk

Kevin Hamblin

Landon Friesen

Lloyd & Joan Atchison

Ryan McBride

Mike Orchard (Orchard Grain Farms Ltd)

Theresa Ramsoomair

Park Acres Ltd

Patsy Michiels

RM of Pipestone

Roland Air Spray

Shawn Brook

Souris River Watershed District

Stephanie Cruikshanks

Sue & Kern Clayton

Teresa Falk

Warren McCutcheon

Whitemud Watershed Conservation District

Friend $50 - $249

Al Raine

Alexandra Payne

Allison & Richard Leclerc

Andy & Stacie Cardy

Ashley Taylor

Baret Easter

Barry McNabb

Bill Anderson

Blaine Pedersen

Bob Horsman

Bonnie Bain

Bonnie Schmidt

Brad & Sandi Knight

Brent Derkatch

Brent Smith

Brian Chorney

Brian Kenyon

Brian Nedohin

Brigitte Kiazyk-Mykytyn

Bruce Montgomery

Carolyn Wilson

Cathey Day

Cheryl Mayer

Christiane Boulanger

Cory Rybuck

Crystal Berthelette

Crystal City-Clearwater Agricultural Society

Crystal Jorgensen

Darrell & Patricia Friesen

Dianne Riding

Doug Chorney

Dwight & Leah Willoughby

Edeltraut Dancho

Elaine Thomson

Gail Eckert

Gina Sunderland

GoodwinBallance Communications

Grace & Matthew Wedlake


Heather Martens

Hon Cliff Cullen

Isabella Community Women

Jennifer McCombe-Theroux

Jim Fisher

JoAnne Buth

John and Charlotte Peach

Judy Wilson

Juliana Baird

Karen Hill

Kenton & Marla Johnston

Kevin & Linda McGill

Kristen Matwychuk

Laura Holtmann

Laurel Hyde

Laurel Lyons

Laurie Connor

Les & Celeste Felsch

Les & Diane Mauthe

Manitoba Women's Institute

Margaret Smith

Marvin Elder

Mary & Gordon McPhee

Micheline Tiessen

Municipality of Brenda-Waskada

Municipality of Louise

Municipality of North Cypress-Langford

Nicole Prowett

P & D Froese Farm Ltd

Pen-Dale Farms Ltd

Rebecca McDonald

Redview Farms Ltd

Rivers Women's Institute

RM of Roland

Robert & Charlene Graham

Ron and Carol Brand

Ryan McBride

Scheurer Farms Ltd

Shelley Bartley

Steve Biggar

Stoesz Acres Ltd

Talbot & Theresa Bergsma

Theresa Bolton

Theresa Ramsoomair

Tim Rollheiser

Timothy Swynar

Todd Hyra

Tracy Gilson

Walter & Debra Finlay

Woodmore Women's Institute

Join us on our journey

We’re moving forward -- come along for the ride!

We need your help to educate teachers and their students about the important role agriculture plays in our province. Help us empower future consumers to care about the industry we love.