Nutrien's Seed Survivor mobile classrooms return in spring 2023!
Seed Survivor is a free, curriculum-based education program that teaches children how to grow healthy plants and where their food comes from. The program tours North America year-round and will only be in Manitoba from April 17 - June 30, 2023.
Seed Survivor Mobile is a truck and trailer unit that arrives at pre-registered schools and children progress through interactive stations. Students spend half the presentation outside the trailer in a guided plant nutrient lesson and half the presentation inside the trailer playing each station. They explore multi-media and virtual reality games, interactive activities, talking walls and much more. Up to 30 students can participate in the display at one time and it takes one hour to complete. The 36-foot trailer is handicap accessible and includes an entry and exit door. All participants get to plant a sunflower seed to take home and grow! Last year we planted approx. 100,000 sunflower seeds with students across North America.
Who: Grade 1-6 students, specifically targeted for Grades 3 and 4
When: April 17 - June 30, 2023
Where: Your school
How: Teachers can apply on behalf of their school (see quick tips below)
Time: 4 hours of sessions, 1 hour per classroom/session
Cost: Free
Registration: CLOSED
Learning Resources
Additional in-class and eLearning activities, games, videos, posters, recipes and more for Grades 1-6 available on the website:
Quick Tips
- Space requirements: Outdoor 60x30 foot space
- Safe from traffic
- No overhanging power lines
- Entire space must be cleared for parking the unit
- The display is set-up for the entire day, and we schedule in as many classrooms as possible
- A minimum of four classrooms or four hours of presentation time will be scheduled (times are adjusted to your school’s time periods)
- One-hour sessions
- Approximately 30 students can participate in the display at one time
- Teachers must remain present for their class presentation
- Schools are welcome to request the display for multiple days
- Students must wear appropriate outdoor clothing